✓Consolidation loans 
✓Legal Debt Consolidation
✓Low credit score allowed


The difference between Legal Debt Consolidation and Debt Review

Legal Debt Consolidation

1. We don’t do credit bureau listing
2. No court procedure (informal procedure)
3. Consolidation applications and normal credit applications allowed
4. No court procedure to cancel. Cancellation allowed anytime

Debt Review (Counselling)

1. Listed with credit bureaus
2. Court procedure
3. Consolidation or credit applications not allowed
4. Court procedure needed to cancel Debt Review

If you are always short of money on your pay day because of too much Debt payments, we can help.

Important: Debt review or administration is not the only alternative. We can help with Legal Assisted Debt Management.

Legal Assisted Debt Restructuring ensures that all moneys are handled by Attorneys and paid into an Attorney’s Trust Account. Reducing of monthly payments are managed by Attorneys.

It is an informal procedure, not a court procedure. Monthly payments on debt can be reduced up to 80%. We don’t do credit bureau listing as happens with debt review and administration. See info below to learn how the National Credit Act provides for help other than Debt Review or Administration.

Credit Industry Code of Conduct to Combat Over-Indebtedness in terms of S 48 (1) (b) Of the National Credit Act (NCA)

We recognise that where possible over-indebted Consumers should preferably obtain relief through consensual arrangements with their Credit Providers matched by reciprocal commitments from their side with the aim to allow them to recover from the financial difficulties. The achievement of this constitutes one of the primary aims of this Code.

2.3. Voluntary improvements to the statutory Debt Review Process:
1.2. AS A CREDIT PROVIDER, WE HEREBY SUBSCRIBE TO THIS CODE. We recognize that while the majority of our consumers incur debt in a responsible and sustainable manner, a certain number of consumers may from time to time experience financial difficulties resulting in over-indebtedness.

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